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Is SAVOIRR the right tool for you?


Are public affairs a key component of your daily work? Do you often wonder how to monitor and manage these activities more efficiently? Discover if SAVOIRR is the right tool for you.
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“I need to stay up-to-date with my public affairs topics all the time.”

Am I aware of all relevant legislative actions and consultations affecting me?

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It’s challenging to search through all the EU websites, even though I’m interested in legislative actions across multiple countries.

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Informations and Updates

“I know my dossiers, but I often lack timely, crucial information and updates.”

I need to know when an item is scheduled in committee or parliament, including any changes to the agenda.

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I need to see voting results and exceptions at a glance.

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I want to easily see upcoming political dates and deadlines.

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“I regularly create detailed political reports for various stakeholders.”

I regularly produce reports to inform about the current status of affairs and our positioning – before or after parliamentary sessions.

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I often have to manually tailor report contents to different audiences.

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Designing the layout takes up too much of my time.

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It's a match

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There's potential here!

Thank you for completing our quiz!
Name,It looks like SAVOIRR is the perfect platform designed to streamline your workflow.
Name,It looks like SAVOIRR could help you in some areas of your workflow.
Name,It looks like SAVOIRR could especially help you with Monitoring.
Name,It looks like SAVOIRR could especially help you with Information and Updates.
Name,It looks like SAVOIRR could especially help you with Reporting.

Contact us to learn more! Our sales team can help to identify your needs and help you optimize your workflow with SAVOIRR.


Monitor policy developments and track updates on specific topics or issues. SAVOIRR's powerful algorithms make sure you never miss a new development.

Information & Updates

Explore millions of EU legislative data points, like consultations, procedures and other documents. SAVOIRR offers access to decluttered and well-organised information, so you gain a quick overview of the current status.


Combine tracked data with your analysis’s in a single report and adjust the design to match your needs. Whether you prefer to work with a PDF, Word Doc or Excel Sheet, our platform helps you share your insights.

Identify key players, opponents and allies and see the full picture. Our AI seamlessly connects files, people, and organisations, simplifying this process for you.

AI Companion

Utilize our AI Companion to instantly generate detailed political profiles of MEPs. This powerful tool analyzes historical data and current actions to provide you with strategic insights, helping you predict future moves and align your strategies effectively.

Stakeholder Management

Master the art of stakeholder management. Identify and analyze stakeholders, track their influence and engagement, and tailor your approach to maximize impact. Our platform ensures you always stay connected and informed about key players in your field.

Extensive Legislative Database

Access a robust and continuously growing database of EU legislative documents. With real-time updates and rich historical data, never miss out on critical policy shifts. Seamlessly integrated with our market-leading Swiss database, we provide unmatched depth and coverage.

Never miss relevant information again

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